Additional Research/Design Methods

There are many design and research methods that I utilize when working on my designs. Below I've gone through several of my favorites and discuss their implementation.

The span of these methods go throughout the design process. I apply a tailored approach to design/design research for each project based on the needs/requirements of that project.

I have found the use of these methods helpful in my work both when I'm by myself and in design (as well as cross-functional) group/teams.

Affinity Mapping

An affinity map is a useful tool that I will use for grouping concepts

I typically employ it during the beginning of the design process when ideas are flowing and it requires structure to organize them

I have found affinity maps to be useful on both solo and group projects

User Personas/Scenarios

Sometimes I find it useful to create user personas/scenarios for projects that are targeting specific users

These users personas/scenarios can be created from other research methods or an aggregate of known user profiles

Designing with the user in mind is one of the most important principles of user experience

Heuristic Evaluations

Heuristic evaluations are important for judging designs based on user experience principles and finding areas of improvement

I normally implement them near the end of the design process when ideas are already flushed out or with products that have already been pushed out to market

The heuristic evaluations that I conduct typically will consist of both findings and recommendations

Paper Prototyping

Paper prototyping can be a fun way to bring ideas and concepts to life

I have found it to be a useful way to drive participant engagement during user testing and when designing in groups/teams

User Testing Interviews

User testing interviews are one of the most effective ways to receive feedback about product designs

I am a fan of conducting user testing interviews throughout the design process

I have experience in both moderated and and unmoderated remote user testing interviews

User Preference Testing

User preference testing is a great way to find out how proposed changes will be received by users

I find that, when implemented properly, it is one of the most accurate and unbiased ways of receiving feedback from users